The Swift Team

Teegan Smith – Owner

Its fair to say service is in Teegan’s blood, having grown up in a guesthouse he has effectively been in the service industry since he was 8 years old. Teegan’s current work in the industry as a Production Manager has served as the prefect training ground for setting up this business.

He is extremely passionate about quality service and secretly obsesses over tiny details. When not carrying sandbags, booking models, location scouting or generally just running around he likes to escape to a place that preferably has no signal and go surfing.

Tinashe Chibuwe – Driver/assistant

Tinashe is our go to man and is more than just driver… some might call him a saint. With a good few seasons under his belt he knows how to take initiative and get stuck in where help is needed.

Always cool as cucumber and a step ahead of the game he is the guy you want on your team.

Munya Maliana

This man has the highest work rate I have ever encountered. Where others tend to hide Munya jumps to the front and tackles every task head on. He is as good as having 2 Pas and runs a tight basecamp.

He matches this work ethic with a well balanced all round good nature. Once you have worked with him you will want him for every future job.

Mailon Chinomwe

The man that loves to smile and always keen on a bit of a laugh, he knows how to enjoy himself whilst getting the job done.

A pivotal part of our team he has more than earned his stripes and always over delivers. With Mailon on your team you can rest assured you have someone that knows his way around the park.